Friday, July 24, 2009

Japan and Junks

So i know, I havent written a post on here for FOREVER, but I think it's time to finally write on here once more to let everyone who actually reads this how my summer is going!!! ^.^

So first off is Hikari no Gako...which is a summer program for little children given at my temple by Japanese parents who want to teach the little youngins of the Japanese Culture. The program is given to kids from incoming kinder-gardeners to incoming sixth graders. Then there are the teen volunteers who get community service by watching over the little kids and are teacher aids to an assigned class. Why did I volunteer this year?...well 2 reasons; 1. to receive around 40 hours of community and 2. because the little kids are just a little ball of sunshine and they make me smile :) I had one problem though during this volunteer year, I was not assigned a class like everyone is usually given, but I was assigned as the music assistant. Now why is this bad?...CUZ I CANT SIGN PLUS I HAVE NO MUSICAL TALENT WHAT-SO-EVER!!! >.< So it was a tough week and I believe that my teacher was even becoming disappointed in my lack of skills towards the musical I kinda felt as if I was a failure to the teacher. Although to the students, tis a different question. They seemed to enjoy my great enthusiasm when they had music class and seemed, for the most part, smiled and laughed at my very stupid gestures ^.^ They really made those 2 weeks soooo much better and I'm happy I did do this program again.

Next...I got a job at River Road True Value, thanks to a friend who's Dad owns the place ^.^ The job is very chill, and it is pretty easy going. I get 8 and hour, so minimum, and I move around shelves, do the cashier, and help out customers. It really isnt that bad of a job and I'm glad i got it too ^.^ For anyone in Salinas, you should visit me at my job!!! :D lol

Fianlly...From the 12th to the 21st, I attended the YBICSE (Young Buddhist International Cultural Student Exchange) program, in which I went to Japan and learned more about Jodo Shinsho Buddhism (my religion) and Japanese culture (which I am Japanese). Lets sum it up though really quick since it was sooooooooo packed, yet sooo fun, while at the same time as being enlightening. So the first 3 days was in Kyoto, which was ramen, train station, Honganjin, enlightening lectures, morning service, Giyonmasturi (Start Festival?), temples of importance, and Shinran Shonin (^_^). Then the next day was Osaka Peace Center, which was very sad (it was all about WWII) Osaka Castle, "Cruise" in the Kobe Bay, Kobe Beef, chilling with the Hawaiians. Then was the home stay for the next 3 nights, which was fun since our family was so chill!!! Plus they spoke supper excellent English since they lived in Fremont, CA before too!!! They cooked awesome food too!!! So while we were in homestay, my group (the 5 BCA boys) had morning service, tea ceremony, breakfast, freetime (usually at the mall) then lunch. From lunch it changed daily. One day, we played basketball against the middle school there since one of the sons is a basketball coach for the middle school. Then after that we shopped in Osaka and had a very expensive dinner, which our host family wouldn't let us pay for. Oh, I also won a teddy bear at the arcade ^.^ The next day was same up to lunch, then all shopping till dinner, where we celebrated our host father's birthday, since it was in 2 days. We had a salad, shrimp, steak, and ice cream dessert. After which, we went back to one of the son's apartment and had a cake. After we departed, the son took us out to a karaoke bar...WHICH WAS MF AMAZING!!! ^.^ I WANNA GO BACK!!! T_T Final day, we had our goodbyes and went back to Kyoto, and pretty much just hung out with the hawaiians again. If you wanna know more...ask me or look at my pics on my facebook.

Now: Obon Set-up and everyone of you guys should go...Sunday July 26, 2009. 14 California Street, Salinas, CA

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